Partnerschaft GNU Health

MBSolutions - GNU Health Network We are glad to be official member of the GNU Health Network.

Extract from the GNU Health Social Contract
Date : July 17th, 2019

Purpose : Promote and foster the development, adoption, community and services around GNU Health to improve the Health Care System.

Parties : This Social Contract is between GNU Solidario and MBSolutions

1.- GNU HEALTH is a project from the Non-for-profit organization GNU Solidario, and is part of the GNU Project. It's official homepage is

2.- Ethical Software Agreement : For GNU Solidario, Ethical Software is a philosophy, that places people before profit, and which main goal is to respect the non-negotiable human right to health care. This agreement provides an extra level of protection to the Health Center, Health Professional and the population around them. Your_Company will never use lock-in policies, such as not publishing part of the code, not providing upgrade scripts, hiding documentation or any likewise action.